Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter


When we say “We are Swietelskys”, we aren’t referring to the founding family but everyone who works in our corporate group. Because SWIETELSKY should feel like a big family in which we have each other’s backs, encourage one another and stick together to shape our financial future together.

2025 action plan

  • Improved employee retention (turnover < 6.5%)
  • High level of satisfaction toward training and development opportunities
  • Increase in the number of apprentices and trainees
  • Setup of flexible work arrangements
  • Improved communication and transparency – with focus put on employees
  • Enforcing high occupational health and safety standards in implementation and prevention
  • Ongoing reduction of work-related accidents, specifically the severity of accidents through priority actions

Read more about personnel development at SWIETELSKY and about the following themes in our current Sustainability Report

  1. Human resource strategy and management, pages 98-103
  2. Employees development, pages 104-121
Mag. Clemens Kukacka, Head of Human Resources
“The philosophy we have been pursuing as an employer motivates our employees – who stay with the company for an above-average period of time. They are our most precious asset and make us successful.”

Mag. Clemens Kukacka, Head of Human Resources
